My Store!

Monday, September 29, 2008

It Finally Happened

OMG! It happened! It really totally happened! I made 1000 sales!! I am thrilled beyond belief and with this huge milestone, I am going to be starting a new blog up!

I want to go strictly business and try and keep up with it regularly! Keep an eye here for your link to the new place!!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Desire...

This is my latest desire! Hahaha! Weird I know! I collect vintage tupperware and now I totally want these salt and peper shakers! They are all over Ebay, but I just can't bring myself to spend that much yet. I know I can find them, it's just been a lazy summer for us and we have not been hitting up the garage sales as much as we should be. Hmm....I need to find these! Why am I blogging about them? Not quite sure, they are just something that I want and maybe my husband will see this and say, just go ahead and buy them already! heehee!! So what do you collect?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Name....

My Aunts House in Mexico

So, I've been trying to think up names for my B&M shop that i'm opening up soon I hope! I am thinking if also changing up the name of my items that are going out to shops and festivals already. My B&M shop will be opened up in Mexico ideally. I was thinking of:

Just Michelle

I like how simple it sounds. It's true too, as it's just a one man show, my shop. I can picture the sign in a big and chunky font with hot pink writing....

That's where my brain has taken me today! haha! We've been so busy, that I am only getting a chance now to sit and relax. I have too much going on and i've just rounded the corner into craft shows every weekend this month. Why do I torture myself this way?! hahah!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

More From Cristo Rey...

So there we were on our way up the mountain with all these scary twists and turns when a van that must be from 1962 is beeping it's horn at us!!! There is no way he wants to pass us!? We pull over and he lets us know our van is leaking OIL?!!??! OMG!!! What are we to do?! We are literally half way up this mountain and U-turns are a definate no-go here! That first picture is a shot half way up the mountain looking out. It's soo beautiful. The air was getting thinner and you could feel just how crisp it was getting. We were also leaving the 89* weather behind. We almost needed a sweater to be up here. As you start seeing the monument get larger and larger, you realize just how magestic this trip will be. We decided there is nothing we can do but trek on in hopes that one of the fruit stands on the side of the road will actually carry some oil! We do find some and keep going up up up! The next picture you see is of the road up the mountain! Now just imagine your small car going up and a GIANT greyhound type bus going DOWN the road>?!?! You feel like one wrong stear and off you go!
Now the best part of the trip. We are just about up the mountain and my little girl THROWS UP! Like all over me!! Thank goodness we had a blanket on us!!! hahaha!! It was gross and she must have done it 4 times! She couldn't wait until we got to the top right!! haha! So first things first when we get there?? BATHROOMS! Now this picture is perfect! Yup that's a guy sitting outside of the bathrooms....why?? it's a typical sight in all public restrooms in Mexico...see the toilet paper?? have to PAY to use the tiolets! And they are the scariest bathrooms around! No seats on them at all, no soap and this guy cuts you like 3 squares of toilet paper. like us! We bring our own: Soap, wipes, toilet paper, air freshener, clorox clean up wipes and paper towels. Of course after all that, there was a line to use the toilet I cleaned up for my little one! haha!! Hmm...maybe I should have charged!!

After this quick pitstop, it's time to turn around and take it all in.......
Isn't it amazing??? maybe it's just me, but this is my most favorite place to be in Mexico. I have to come here every visit, even if it takes over an hour to get up the mountain! On either side of Jesus are two angels that hold up his crowns. Underneath and inside is a chapel and it's just more than amazing. It's beautiful and breathtaking and all that. There is an anormous crown of thorns that adorns the entire inside and you can't take photos, but it's solid gold. Inside of the crown od thorns in the dome of the ceiling is a giant solid gold crown of our king. Inspirational to say the least.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Move In Our Future?

Fresh Sweets At 8 In The Morning
So as many of you know, my husband fell in love with the country where my family is from. He was enamored with everything that was Aguascalientes, Mexico. Could it have been the fresh squeezed juice down the road where we were staying? The fabulous bakery on our way into town every morning? The handful of taco stands right on the street where my family lives? Could it be the late nightlife in the gardens? Coffee bistros that we can linger at until the wee hours of the morning? Maybe it was the fresh fruit stands that gave you the sweetest most ripest fruit around. There is so much to love that I can see how he is ready to up and move our family out there. Yup, you read that right, he's ready to move to Mexico. He's taking a pretty intense Spanish course right now and hopes to be speaking more by April. So far our April trip will just be a month long and then after being there a month, we will see how much we like being there for that period of time and if we handle it for a longer amount of time. I'm really looking forward to this. It's something to take everyone out of their comfort zone.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Up The Mountain Of Cristo Rey

We were in Guanajuato, Mexico and for me Cristo Rey is a MUST DO! It's a monument located on top of a 3000 foot mountain called Cerro del Cubilete. It is one of the largest statues of Jesus in the world. It truly is breath taking. Here is my husband on the way up. The road is scary and narrow and there is traffic going up and down. There are children begging for food and money on the edges of the mountain and sometimes they are so near the edge it is mortifying. As a mother myself, it was just awful. I gave out all the kids snacks and juices and water. I knew I could always buy more later. Here my husband poses with a burro and we gave the family some money to take the photo. He wanted to get on it, but we were warned that he jumps.

This fruit stand was on one side at the base of the mountain. We stopped for giant cups of fresh fruit. They were 10 pesos each which is the equivalent of 1.00 and OMG! They were huge and amazing! I totally believe if there were fruit stands on every corner here like there are there, we could be a much healthier nation!

More to come!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Up Again!

My 3 Cutest Kids In The Universe!
Alright, I decided it's time to bump this old post up again. It truly seems to happen to me whenever I go to a party, meet old friends, new know the deal...

Meet Me!
I've heard it so many times, it's just become me. Do you know what I mean? You show up to a party of any kind. The family bar-b-q right up to the swanky wedding. You look great (at least your husband said so, even though he barely glanced your way, he's just so used to answering every question with a yes dear), you smell good and you managed to get that strained pea stain out of last years dress that is just a bit too snug in all the obvious places. Your hair is actually down and brushed and you even have make up on. Then you meet someone new and you know it's coming, the big question..."So, what do you you?"and before you have the chance to answer one of your oh so witty CEO of the household comments, someone steps in and answers for you, and it's always one of those people that you just want to strangle 99% of the time."Oh Michelle? She's JUST A STAY AT HOME MOM."and the answer that follows:"oh um wow, you must love being home all the time."Then they walk away and are gone to someone more interesting. You know, the ones with REAL jobs and now you are left with the feeling you have become all to familiar with, the whole, no one really understands what I do, I just want to go home watch DORA and snuggle with my kids and go to bed in my queen size bed that somehow feels like a twin come 2 am when 2 kids crawl in and your husband is snoring up a storm and there is just no room for your 8 month pregnant body to fit, so you end up on the couch, cold and alone. Yeah, that's always better than sitting here in this too tight dress, these heels that are KILLING me and all I want to do is pull my hair up in a ponytail and wipe this stuff off my mouth.So there you have it! I'm a stay at home mom to 2 kids and I really do have one more on the way! Yes, I have my hands full, OF COURSE I never miss an episode of Dr. Phil, Oprah, MArtha Stewart and of coruse Judge Judy. (Insert MAJOR EYE ROLL HERE!!) If only people really understood that stay at home mom usually means NEVER at home mom! I think I have more clothes in my minivan than I do in my closet! Ahh yes, the minivan, the ever present mom mobile! It's big, mean and green!My kids are 1 and 2 and I am due next month (I am soo ready for it to be now!)My newest start right now is my business! I make jewelry and cell phone charms and all those kinds of goodies! Check me out: So on top of watching two toddlers (both insanely hyper) and a husband that manages to come home for lunch for an HOUR EVERY DAY, I am running a business!But well, you know....

Friends For Life...

We all got together at an aunts house for lunch and my son had made the best of friends with one of my cousins! This cute little guy is as mischievious as my own! The houses are amazing here and I think that's what my husband fell in love with. The gates are very ornate and used instead of the standard garage doors that we have here. This gate here is the entrance to a small garden and courtyard. Always super pretty and perfect. The houses all have a little courtyard or garden area. After hanging around like this, the boys thought it would be a GREAt idea to slide through the gate and leave! haha! So much for keeping them in! Skinny kids can fit right through :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

In Another World

Husband and Kids in Mexico
So, we're finally home from the best vacation ever! Yup, I said it...Best EVER! As in better than Disney World! And if you know me, then you know that that is a statement that is truly very hard to say!!
This picture was taken outside of our room at the Fiesta Americana hotel in Aguascalientes, Mexico!! This is the town where I have family and it was just the most amazing thing ever!! These kids found some new treats in a little store and quickly made them their favorite snacks every single day. My husband just fell in love with the food, the atmosphere and everything about the place. He is even talking about moving there! OMG!! How cool would that be?
More photos and other little tales to come!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I want candy.....

OMG! I am totally WANTING this bag! I MEAN the point where I am soo tempted to buy it and just act surprised when it arrives! haha! Anyway to make this new bag look like one of the bunches I already have??? Hmm...Nah, I bet husband will figure it out!

This candy bag is too sweet and lush! I WANT!!!

CupcakesAndTombTarts My Latest Etsy Addiction!

WOW! Step into a rainbow of kitschy goodness, fun jewelery and of course flair for your wrist! Her wristlets are made with the cutest fabric and the best quality! (I should know I own one!!).
The jewelery will have you in a major timewarp where neon was hot and the hair was big! Fall in love with the 80s all over again when you visit CupcakeAndTombTarts. Nikki knows her stuff and give her a chance to make you a fan! Drop in today and tell her Michelle said hi!

Friday, June 27, 2008


It's time to get your FUNK on! Check out PinkSpiderWebs, home of truly one of a kind, original pieces that take you back in time. I always feel like i'm in an 80s time warp when I pop in for a visit. Sylvia, has a style all her own that make colors look like candy! Truly a place to get fantastic plastic that makes you feel like a kid, but look like a rock star!
Drop bye and tell Sylvia I said hi!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Borders Run

SJP On The Cover

Today I had to stock up on research! I bought the July issue of Marie Claire UK (they are sooo much hipper in Europe! haha) and I was suprised by THE COOLEST THING EVER! A free novel came inside! As many of you know, I'm addicted to reading! It's gotta be that inner nerdy gal! I loved school as a kid, loved college and if I hadn't fallen in love would have probably gone on for a Masters in who knows what! haha! Maybe I will go back when the kids are in school. I just have this weird passion for learning!
Kristen Davis
Alright back to the topic at hand, you could either get the SJP cover or Kristen Davis Anyways..The free novel is full sized and I can't wait to dive right in! It's THE WONDER SPOT by Melissa Bank.
I hope it's a good read! Oh well for free I won't complain! hahaha!! The reasearch went well too! I will have to pick up some great new mags on vacation! I will also try to be posting daily while on vacay too! Yay!

I've Been Gone For Such A Long Time

Clock From Bode22 on Etsy

I'm sorry! It's been hectic lately!! I have had so much going on with the shop lately and then vacation coming up too! YIKES!

Suitcase From TimelessTotes on Etsy

Eye Spy Necklace From MamasLittleBabies On Etsy

Gun Stationary From SNEW On Etsy

Plane Shirt From MaryInk on Etsy

Almost a month in Mexico has me thrilled to get away and get new supplies!! I will be checking in daily on the shop and still listing of course! I can never leave the shop for that long! haha!!
These are all the travel related goodies I want!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

And Again...

Another weekend with my parents! This time it was still fun! hahaha! My dad needed some help with the garden and the kids love going out with nana and grandpa :) It was a lot of fun staying there, but now once again back to reality.
All the passports are in! How fast was that?! I'm totally amazed with the government for once! hahaha!! I am super excited to get over to Mexico!
I got some FABULOUS finds this weekend thrifting and garage saleing with my mom! It was totally awesome, even though it was a bit chilly!

Up top there you can see a heart shaped Barbie Lunchbox I found and transformed into a purse! OMG! It totally rocks!

Here are 2 fun selections of Barbie goodies! These have already been sorted and everything is a perfect jewel! I have already started working with some of the goodies!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We're baaaccckkk!!

Yikes! Have we been having a blast lately! We've spent a lot of time at my parents house and even spending the nights there. They have so much space when my sis is out of town! We had so much fun shopping for the kids entire summer wardrobes and touring some homes....YIKES we even looked at the house RIGHT across the street from their home!!! Crazy, but Husband says they are the only parents he could even think about living close too! hahahaha! It was nice looking, but reality set in and we just don't want to leave the area we live in now. We love it too much and just can't get into the mind set of moving to yuppie town! heeheee! Not to mention living this far out gives us plenty of excuses not to see people ALL THE TIME!!

We have been hitting up garage sales and auctions left and right and i've been getting alot of good supplies! It's just been so much fun! I lover finding new treasures out of old stuff.

We're supposed to be going over to FIL (husbands dad) house for dinner soon, but our schedule is too hectic right now. Our little guy has had tons of appts. recently for his ears and that has my hands full at the moment. I don't mond going over there anymore and actually have found them pretty pleasant recently. Husband says he prefers going there because he is starting to actually like his step mom when she's not being all fake and stuff. :) He says she wins the step parent award! hahaha...

We seem to be getting super busy before our summer has even hit and have already started planning our next trip! We are going camping over Labor day weekend (or whatever weekend comes first Memorial day?! ) and we've been buying up loads of gear as it is my first time tent camping since I was like 8! I'm a bit frightened!!

After that, we get our butts into gear for our Mexico trip and get this! My passport application was REJECTED! It' s totally last minute and now I have to go apply again! argg...

After Mexico we have another camping trip planned for the other holiday (labor day?!) and then a nice calm fall!! :)

I can't believe how fast this year has been flying!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Yay for Friday!

Oh boy am I so ready for the longest week EVER to be over! And guess what!!?? There are 2 Estate sales in the paper for tomorrow! Yay! I love being able to go through peoples drawers and such and find all kinds of goodies!
I've finally and super slowly started working on my new Industrial Chic line, It's made from pieces slavaged from my husbands job! He works with electrical stuff. I love looking at stuff and going with my gut instinct on what to make first! This little Breaker piece TOTALLY looked like a robot the minute I saw him :) So here he is! I LOVE it!

I've also finally started getting back to my roots of button bracelets. They are impossible to make with the kids being around all the time and their little fingers!! Soo I have to eek one out when I can. I can't believe how AWESOME this one turned out, I fell in love with these buttons at an auction and antique store, that I had them set aside for my collection. After a bit of time of just looking at them in glass jars, I knew they were destined to be loved as something else. I'm really in love with this spring/summer look!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Human Again!

Ahhh...To be human again! We are all finally NOT sick for the first time in months! It's an amazing feeling! I can't believe how behind I got, having a house full of sickies!!

On top of getting better, we had to venture out to the 'suburbs' last weekend to a party for my Father In laws parents. It was a suprisingly nice time and God help me, but once again, I found my FIL to be a nice and tolerable guy. AUGHH!!! I know! But honestly, it was because he didn't have a drink in his hand non-stop. I suspect that someone has told someone that has told him (you know the old telephone game!) that we can't stand that he's constantly got to be loaded. I'm glad that he's finally catching on. His wife was even semi decent too! YIKES! The world must be ending! She still doesn't have a clue about parenting and wants to give the kids chocolate and cookies for dinner, but hey at least she wasn't going on and on about how she lost 20 lbs and her clothes were literally falling off her as she walked....oh wait she was! hahahaha!! She's comic relief for us lately though, so that's alright. It was a fun weekend!

This weekend has us cleaning hard core around the house, out with the sick and in with Mr. Clean! We have 3 Drs appt.s for the kiddies and then we have the rest of saturday evening to get this place in shape!

As far as the shop, I have gotten some good supplies in because.....GARAGE SALE SEASON IS HERE!!! Yup!!! we hit some Estate sales and garage sales last weekend and it felt GREAT! Yay Yay! I can't wait to start sharing pics of my loot! Alright, i've chatted enough!!

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Time Flies

Boy o Boy does time fly like crazy! It's been a hectic weekend and now it's April first?! YIKES!! I have to get started on so much work, but of course I find myself here. Why?

Well I broke my drill bit and my kids are napping, soo I have to wait until husband gets home so that I can go and get more.

Next I can't play on ETSY or organize my shop, because the wonderful site is DOWN! YIKES! I totally thought it was me at first and I tried a billion times to log in and everything! All to have no luck in the end! blahhh...

I have started working on 2 new lines in my shop. The Lolita Glam look, for gals with that 'baby doll' taste and then Industrial Geek Chic for that rustic, computer insides kinda look :) They sooo are 2 opposite ends of the spectrum, but I want to make it mesh well together some how!

I got the GREATEST shirt in the mail today! It was my first shot at using ETSYs Alchemy and it ROCKED! I will add in photos of everything later, it seems I am having sudden problems with my camera thanks to one of my children...arggg....

Monday, March 24, 2008

We Have a Winner!?!

OMG! I'm sorry it has taken me so long, but yesterday was my birthday and we've been celebrating since friday! I am so happy to be trying to get back into the swing of things over here!

I wanted to announce my BLog Contest Lego Ring winner!!! It's: TALERI!!! Thanks so much for visiting my shop! And I too love cookies and Milk! I think my obesession with them is what inspired the necklace!! Congrats to you!!


Ahh my birthday! We had so much fun and got lots of goodies!!! My husband surprised me with a Disney purse I have been craving since I saw it!! We spent saturday with my Dad and took the kids and everyone to a Japanese Teppan style restaurant where you sit with other groups and the chef cooks up a great meal right in front of you!!! While the liquor was flowing and the bill was heart attack inducing, the food was FABULOUS! This is my husbands and my fave place to dine, so when my dad wanted to take me out for my birthday I knew just the place. The kids loved everything about it and the table is large enough that even if they stood on their chairs and leaned forward they were not close enough to the stove in the center. Our group was pretty big. so we didn't have to sit by anyone else. THEN the lights got dim and about 20 people crowded around us AND the worlds biggest bowl of pineapples came at me! haha! They lit a candle and sang happy birthday in Japanese!! It totally rocked! I've never had so much fun! We even got to keep the cool buddahs, gnomes and other crazy shaped cups that our drinks came in!!!

Yesterday was Easter and also the official date of my birthday. We spent it with both of my parents and had a blast again! That took us to California Pizza Kitchen for the MOST fabulous meal ever!! EXCEPT! My daugthers pizza had a ZIP TIE baked into it!!!!!! I almost died when she found it! She's 3!!! I was soo mad, but I will admit they handled it with such professionalism and when the cook came out and apologized and AKNOWLEDGED that it was his , it was a job well done. My daughter was terrified, so he brought her a special macaroni and cheese just for her and then made her a pepperoni pizza to go, so that she could eat it at home, when she was ready to try pizza again. Very admireable! They also comped her meal and mine and then sent up 3 giant birthday sundaes to celebrate!! Stay away from their fruity rum punches though as they held virtually NO liquor for the price.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Game Time!!

Boy o Boy am I ready to snuggle right into bed next to my husband! But I knew I had to pop in for an update right quick! My contest is over and I have to message the winner to let them know and get their address! I love giving away goodies!!

Today I worked on a new piece finally that is really 'ME':

It's the Game Time Charm Bracelet! My husband and I looove to play board games and we nerds even have a family game night! It's a lot of fun to get to chat and catch up on everything. Our kids join us too, but of course they are only 'pretending' to play :) I love the little Battleship charm in the bracelet! It really stands out!!

Have I mentioned that I also opened up a small destash shop? Yup! I needed a place to start clearing out the excess materials I had that I knew I would never use again and also to start getting rid of some of my vintage buttons! I can now be found at: TheFunkyBeadNButton

I came across some cool stuff to list in that new shop today!

My favorites were these old LOTERIA cards! It's like Mexican Bingo! I grew up on that fun game! I saved a bunch for some projects that I have in mind, but I know I will never use them all, so why not share the wealth!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The time has come for my first ever Blog GIVE-AWAY! Yes, all you broke people that love my creations, it's time to get over here ;) hahaha! Everyone loves a freebie right? At least I know I do!!! You can win that super-cool pink lego ring up there from my shop! It's adjustable so it fits anyone!!!

So I know I know! You are all DYING to know how to win right??? Well it's super easy!! All you have to do is Visit my shop:
and then come back here and comment on what your fave item from my shop is and why! I will randomly choose a winner from all the comments recieved! (that is if I get any at all! hahaha!!)

Alright people!!! Get commenting!!!

This contest ends WEDNESDAY MARCH 19th at 12 NOON Central Time!

Soaking Wet

Sooo as I sit here typing this out I am finding myself to be a bit wet at the bottoms of my pants...

Is it raining? No
Is it flooding? No
Have I just been outside? No
Snow? No
Has My 2 year old son opened the refrigerator, turned the SAFETY nozzle on the Britta water jug and leaked water on the floor of my kitchen???? YES

AUGHH!!! I swear that Safety nozzle only keeps me out of the darn water!! I just put him down for a nap and I hear a slight trickling of water...then the words "uh-oh" and little feet running!

I knew to RUN RUN RUN from the studio, into the kitchen to see water gushing.....arggg......

If I weren't trying to clean it up in a hurry, I would have taken a photo! Now they are all napping for real this time and I think I need a drink ;)

Don't forget to leave me a message on my new little toy over there------------------------->

It's Not Easy Being Green....

My husband looked quite green today as he left for work! Poor guy really is not feeling too well!! I wish I could go to work for him :) Esp. since he has a fun job! I think all work places should have a take your spouse to work day ;) I can't wait for take your kids to work day! hahaah! Every year it's my favorite day!

A full day of silence, shopping alone, crafting with no little hands making messes EVERYWHERE and best of all.....No toys to step on all day long!


Here is what I worked on yesterday, I am not thrilled with how the photographs came out and the chain feels a bit long to me, so I will list it and see how it does for a couple of weeks, then I may tweak it from there :)

New Toys~!!

Yay! I added some new fun to my blog over on the right there! I found that cute little comment moderator over on a friends blog and fell in love! Now no more emails!!! Just go ahead and type me up a little message please!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A weekend of woes!!

Boy does being sick on the nicest weekend of the year so far really stink! We're all walking around like the zombies from the THRILLER video BIG TIME!! Kleenexes are everywhere, we each take a different medication (Baby, toddler, ear infection, liquid, gel caps) and we are so stuffed up that the volume on our TV is at like 500 and we still can't hear it :)

I have had a little time to craft and finally cranked out 2 new pieces, they are really cute. I was then rudely kicked out of my studio by my husband who insisted that making jewelry could be his thing too! So he added a new necklace to his shop! He makes me laugh. (But then I start to cough, and then hack, and then heave and before I know it I can't breathe).

This is what my husband kindly refers to as Geek Chic! Computer keys and that plug that connects the keyboard to the back of the computer!

Here is my husbands first attempt at Jewelry it's a necklace, but it's a LEGO miniFig from his shop:

He works with legos and figured this would be a great way to branch out!

Friday, March 14, 2008

New Charming Goodies!

So the postal carrier bought me a refill of my goodies! I always order from the same guy and always get the same stuff....well I have finally been found out and now I am seeing someone buying the exact same stuff as I am and starting to make the same stuff I make with it!!
I mean COME ON get original! There is so much more you can do with these things!!
Oh well, I just can't wait for garage sale season to begin and I can start making my own unique charms again!! Usually no matter how much I buy over the summer, come the end of winter i'm always struggling to find more!!

Here are my goodies:

I am thinking of changing my buying name and starting from scratch, that way I can't be found!! Bwaaaahaaaaa I can't wait to get over this nasty flu and get started on some more new and funky crafts!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Customer Service is Key...

Hi there! My husband recently had a bad experience on ETSY trying to get some custom work done. I was very disappointed to say the least, as I have recemmended this person to friends and now I am totally wishing I never did. He requested something be made and she was super excited about it and ready to make it....then she convoed and everyone was sick and she would work on it right away....then nothing....Husband dropped her a line to let her know that we were heading off on Vacation and we would not be answering convos. she said no prob she would have it in a week....2 went by and nothing....The process was taking waaay too long. Which on custom work is TOTALLY understandable, but if you say one thing, STICK TO IT!!! Excuses just make you look bad. Esp when you are pulling out one after another. Needless to say I was pretty annoyed for him. He wanted this item so bad and she made it sound like it could be pretty cool. So we were thinking that even if it was worth the wait, the entire transaction would still be clouded by the service he received, and unless our feedback noted it, she would probably keep on treating customers this way. It's so unfortunate, because her work is truly very good. I searched ETSY and found EXACTLY what he wanted. When we wrote the other lady to cancel she wrote back within seconds..proof she had access to her computer and that she just didn't want our money I guess. (insert head shake here).

The New shop item:

The shop name is:

accessoryalamode's shop

It will have our 3 kids names on it going around and I can't wait to see it! This lady has been a dream to work with! Right off the bat she gave us a timeline of when it will go out and has provided with photos and information of the process a long the way!

Fabulous customer service is ALWAYS key into running a business! If it's just a hobby, be sure to put it into your shop announcements and people will understand that you are not online as often and can't work on stuff right away.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tragically Unhip....

AUGHH!!! It's finally know what i'm talking about...

I'm falling into that unhip mommy roll. Everyone that I know that's a mom has done it and I can't believe I let myself too. :(

I haven't done a darn thing to lose this LOAD of extra weight I am carrying, I have super short un cute hair because it's 'easier' and my clothes and shoes are soooo blahh!

I don't why this has happened, but the LAST thing on earth I want to do is lost my identity and fall into the mommy role 100%.

If I EVER EVER start wearing Pajamas out of the house PLEASE SHOOT ME!

It's time for a life make over! This is my pledge to start eating healthier and trying to clean up this insanity that I have made of myself. The business took over what little free time I had and I'm getting about 3 hours of sleep every night, so I need easy hair and clothes that keep me free to move around with 3 little kids. Well NO MORE! It's time to be a sexy mama. BUT remember I'm still going to be a mom NOT a friend. oy vey, those moms are even worse than the people that have let themselves go like me :( it's time to get workin!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

We're Bacccck!

So here we are back from Vacation in Disney World and I am totally 100% seriously depressed about it. Every time we come home that itch to move there gets worse. My husband always comments that if we didn't have parents that were so bothersome about it, we would be there right now. He is soooo right. My dad is just nuts whenever we bring up the subject and his mom?? forget about it. Husband just told me that us going on Vacation in November over Thanksgiving is already driving her a bit crazy. Arggg... I think we should just move there and be done with it ;) we will deal with the outcome later.

The vacation itself was wonderful, weather was great and of course our room location ROCKED! We were the very first room!! I love being close to everything!

Trying to segway back into real life is a bit of a pain, as there is just so much to do, I need to get creating on some new lines for the shop and still manage to be with the kids 100% of the time! AUGHHH!!! :)

Last night we had dinner with my Father in Law and his wife and I swear I must be losing my mind, but I actually had a decent time! He wasn't loaded and she was herself, but not as overbearing. It was quite odd, my husband and I chatted about just that on the way home. We felt were dropped in some alternate universe or something! hashaha!!

Easter is coming up and you will see that it is on my birthday! Blahh...I'm not thrilled about spending my birthday with loads of peeps. I would love to see my dad, my husband and my kids and my mom, but I can skip the loser fiance that drives me NUTS and all the other family members on my side. Husband doesn't want to do his family either, so now we are wonering why didn't we make it easier on ourselves and go to Disney that weekend! hahahaha!!

Alright, off to work for a bit!

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Monday Melt Down

Whoa am I going nuts-o today! I have so much to finish up and barely any time left! My little Roman is having surgery tomorrow and we still have to finish packing for our trip on friday! YIKES!

My post last night on Copy Cats has been deleted since I did write in anger and I was really more hurt than upset. I truly hope that I have conveyed that message now. I want this person to know that to be inspired is one thing, but make sure you are inspired to create your own pieces!

Next topic I would like to address is Disney World!! Our trip is soo close and we truly are 'winging' it! We have no clue where we want to eat or when we want to go where! haha! I think this is good for last minute trips! We plan down to the last minute our long trips and sometimes we don't even stick to the schedule!! So let's see where the winds may take us this trip!!

Morning Monday!!

OMG!! It's MONDAY! As in I leave for vacation THIS WEEK!!!!! How exciting! We totally need a Disney World get-a-way! I am totally in heaven.

But first we must get through our little guys surgery. I'm not looking forward to this AT ALL. I'm quite scared to say the least. It's such minor surgery everyone tells me and it's no big deal....but GUESS WHAT, he's MY little boy. If one of my kids got a paper cut I would probably still cry about it! hahaha Okay i'm not that extreme, but do you know what I mean?

Ahh well, I have loads to package up and ship, since it's my last shipping day until Friday and then I have to get loads of new product on the shelves NOW NOW NOW so I have a freshly stocked shop while I am out of town!

Friday, February 22, 2008

When Life gives you free water....

We went out to dinner last night! That in itself is always an adventure with a crazy 2 yr old boy, a Princess (literally in costume) and a teething 4 month old!

We are at Chipotle, as to make it back in time to see LOST of course! I go up and order adn then head off to get our drinks..

I have to wait it seems FOREVER! Why??

Well there is a man there. He has 4 cups of free water. You know they give y ou the solo cup and you can get water at the drink machine for free??
NO BIGGIE, I have 2 cups of water for my kids. BUT this dude is taking it to the EXTREME.

He is SQUEEZING the free lemons (all them I might add) into the water, mizing in sugar packets and MAKING LEMONADE!!

I kid you not! This guy did not want to buy 4 drinks, so instead he goes and make lemonade right there?!?! I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it myself! hahah!!

Okay, he's frugal, cool! But shouldn't he just have taken his supplies to his table and done it there?? He was holding up the whole line! Crazy!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Rant of The Day!

So my rant of the day has to do with the show of Hotties! Yes that would be Prison Break! (I'm a Sucre gal myself!).

Anyways, I am sooooo upset with the way this show ended! I could NOT NOT NOT believe that they just let it go like that! I was totally disappointed BIG TIME. As in GIANT question mark above my head!

I want Sarah Back! I want Gretchen DEAD (though she is a hottie in her own right!) and most of all, I want Sucre out of that PRISON! AUGHH!!!!

There was no real cliff hanger that had me YELLING at the TV to COME BACK COME BACK, it was so sappy and just un prison break like!

Know What I mean? Or am I totally alone in this?!

My Studio!

So my studio has been under construction for the longest time! haha! I just work all over the place, I had my junk everywhere! I couldn't believe it!! I finally got some stuff organized enough to start photographing it! Here is a picture of my storage space! I truly love it all! I could probably use some shelves over on the left wall, just to put more jars and junk on, but I'm getting there slowly!!
I have some comments about what everything in this photo is over here:
That's my Flickr account! I love it over there! So if you are on flickr please add me!!

Breathtakingly Romantic!

So here it is! My Valentine's Day Gift!!
Isn't it just amazing?! I have to RAVE about the customer service my husband got from:
She was quick with shipping, easy to work with and best of all, he said she was nice! He loved the piece so much she is even making a ring for him with the kids names on it!! I can't wait to see it! I love how sappy my guy is :) It's quite romantic! I think old age does it to those hard, bad boys! So remember ladies if you are all about your bad boy that's always in trouble, he just may sometimes turn into the biggest softie you will ever know!

Been Away Too Long!

Yikes! I have been so busy lately, there has been no blogging! But that is no excuse! I am trying to schedule a time in my day to be sure to get some DEFINATE blogging in!! I would like to start out by RAVING about my Valentine's Day!! I seriously have the best husband in the world! Why? Because he checks out my FAVORITES file on ETSY!! YAY! I got the most amazing necklace with our kids names engraved on one side and then our names and wedding date on the next! I will post pictures of this piece!

Next is a last minute trip to DISNEY WORLD!! We couldn't believe that we actually decided to book, but we figured what the heck, we all needed a vacation with all the stress we have been under lately! It's been a crazy new year already!

Okay let me go and find those pictures of my necklace!!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I Have Not Jumped Ship!!!

Whoa!! It's been a looong time, I totally know and I'm soo sorry!
But well life and the shop ( got in the way! I am seriously DROWNING in custom orders! I just can't seen to get away from them! Every time I get a convo about one, I get scared :) I love working on them without a doubt! It's just when there are soo many, the shop gets neglected, i'm up waay too late and I'm away from my family more than I want to be.

Did I mention that LOST started today too?! I was soo upset because I had to watch it and work on something at the same time! Oh well, at least it's MONEY! yay!

Romans Baptism went totally well, but lemme tell you, I got a big dose of the cold shoulder!! You know the air kiss when someone is totally peeved at you! I had to laugh about it though, since it was just from my father in law. He's a bit crazy. He blames me for all the problems with him and his son and I just wish he would look a bit more in his own home for the problems! I am the one that tells him to call and tells him to invite him over (even if I can't stand the dudes wife!) but well, big boys do what they want :) I would rather take the blame anyways, than have my husband be more down about his dad. I can take it and it has never bothered me when people dislike me, infact, the scary thing is that I kind of like it! hahaha! I don't know why, but maybe i'm just a recluse! I figure the more people that don't like me, the less places i'm expected to be at! :)

I've been shopping a lot lately and fell in love with some new stuff that is just FABULOUS! I will have to share my goodies soon with you all!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Birthday Madness

Whoa has it been an insane week of craziness!! With Birthdays and my grandma leaving town it really has been busy! Now we enter the week of endless doctors appointements. It seems that January has just been a super busy month.

We have the baptism at the end of this month too, so I don't even get to relax yet. SOO crazy busy!!

I've got registration for dance class coming up for the 2 oldest and I look forward to that time where I can just watch them and spend an hour with the littlest one. That will be nice and a good get away.

I have been DEAD DEAD DEAD in my shop
I'm running a buy 2 get 1 free sale in hopes of driving up some business!!! I have had the luck of custom orders, but I also need to move inventory if I want to keep creating more! So stop on by!

Baby just woke up, let the day begin!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

2008! The best year EVER

So I'm on a kick to make this year our best year. I've got a new business to nurture and 3 amazing kids to raise. I have a wonderful marriage to only make better too! I really can't complain!

I've been getting a lot of stuff in order because my grandmother from Mexico is coming to spend a week here and that should be a lot of fun!! and Now I have someone to cook for us! hahaha! hmm...I am now picturing full days of shopping alone...working on some new pieces for my shop...all that good stuff :)

The best part?? I was able to reach 200 sales on NYE! It was the best feeling in the world!! YAY YAY YAY! Thanks to all my great customers that believe in my stuff!

Wishing you all a good day! This has to be short because today we're paiting macoroni noodles and making necklaces!! I will turn them all into mini jewelry makers :)

Monday, December 31, 2007


I better wish it now, since we will probably be asleep before midnight tonite! haha!
We had a full and fast weekend. I can't believe how quickly it flew by! So not fair!

We had company over on saturday and that was fun, the kids got more toys that they don't need! haah and it got my husband and I thinking how there are too many children out there that don't get even one present and our children get all this?! So we cleaned up their rooms and got loads together to donate to the childrens centers in the area (I hate the word orphanage).

My sales picked up today finally :) Yay! I have been trying to catch up from being behind this weekend and I find myself being pulled in loads of directions! I have an hour since my husband is home for lunch and that helps! I have to run to the bank and deposit some checks and then off to the post office to mail out some packages! Full day!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

The Sweet Sounds of...


Is it bad that I want to put on a ballgown, do up my hair and dance like crazy when naptime rolls around???? The house is silent, when I pick up toys, they stay put away!!! I can hear myself think, and I can sit and work peacefully!!

I love this time, don't get me wrong...Playing memory with 10 cards about 100 times, coloring the same circle 200 times and singing the wheels on the bus is really fun and great, but it's this quiet time that I look most forward to every day.

It's ME time and I love it.
I have been swamped with custom orders this week, it ws a miracle I finally finished! Only to find that my shop has been pretty dead. It's so obvious in my sales when I neglect it. I have to try and be better balanced, but my custom orders are where I really make my money.

The snow is CRAZY here! I can't believe how much it is coming down, and the flakes are so bug and chunky!! It's supposed to keep snowing all weekend! YIKES!

Today is my little guys birthday. Our middle child turns 2 today! He is too cute and his big sister keeps saying it's her birthday :( She has already asked for her presents and insists that she will blow out the candles. We're trying to teach her that it's his day and next week is hers, but she's not interested! The funny thing is that I don't think the birthday boy cares either! :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas is over!! It was a crazy and fun Christmas. We saw my parents a bit each day (Christmas Eve and the big day) but Roman was very sick the entire time, looks like a stomach bug got him. He's off to the Dr, tomorrow, to see if he has lost too much weight. This poor guy is just not doing to well.

They got a lot of presents and my middle boy was just not into the whole gift thing at all, he wanted to just run around! hahaha! Our princess opened EVERYONES gift, but once open, could care less about the actual gift! haha! UNTIL she got her big one....Her Fisher Price digi cam! She's still toting it around EVERYWHERE and taking pictures of EVERYTHING! it's soo cute!!

Life has been hectic lately and it seems like our January has fille dup out of nowhere, we have our sons Baptism this month too! It took us a bit to come up with his godparents, but my husband finally suggested my parents and I agreed, so that's pretty cool and totally easy! YAY!

Other than that nothing too exciting has been going on, just trying to organize our year :)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Where has the time gone??

Oh wow! It's Christmas Eve tomorrow!! I can't believe it!! I'm sooo excited!!

Does anyone want some appetizers? If you are int eh Rockford area, let me know! haha I have loads of apps left over. We were expecting company today and they were no shows, so I have lots leftover!! My husband told me not to make anything because he knew they wouldn't end up coming, but I always have to have something out, who wants to go to a house where they don't offer up a snack or you have to ask for something?? argg...oh well, I guess if we don't eat it tomorrow I just have to dump it all.

The kids have been begging to open presents all day today and I so want to just give in! haha! I don't know How we will get through tomorrow still! :)

I'm looking forward to the calm and peaceful evening we will be having!!

My baby is sick again, he hasn't been keepign his food down today so that has me worried, doc said to give it another 24 hours and see how he does from there. I am so glad we are not going anywhere, if he gets more sick who knows what will happen! Poor little guy has been sick more than he's been well so far.

I am happy to say that I am ready to get the Christmas decorations down! All these ornaments are driving me nuts making sure that the kids don't touch them :) Next year I say we decorate the tree in nerf balls!

hasta later!
~michelle!~ <---who is drowning in Appetizers!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday Is So SLOW

Yay! we have heat again!! Our furnace has been on the fritz the past few days and we finally had the guy come round today and in 10 minutes it was fixed! Now all I do is complain about being hot! hahaha! Oh well it's a great feeling :)

Took out the Turkey today for Christmas Eve dinner, it took us forever to make room in the fridge for it! Had no idea it would take up so much space!

Has anyone else out there NOT wrapped presents yet? Ours are all sitting under the tree, just not wrapped :) We really need to get on that! I won a gorgeous brooch off EBAY for my husbands grandmother and I fell in love with it when it arrived! I only hope she likes it too! I also found another one at an antique store that he loved for her, so we go that one too! That was fun shopping!

We bought the mother in law a super cute bracelet that I'm sure she will love, but I know I could have made myself! It killed me forking over that kind of money, when I know I could have made it, haha but the pieces would have cost twice as much. Isn't it amazing how that works?

My dad was a fun person to buy for, we got him this awesome keychain that is a digital photo frame, it has 80 pics of the kids on there and it's super cool! I think he's really going to like it!

Got the brother in law some DVD set he's been wanting, it feels so impersonal, but he wanted it :)

My mom got some CDs she's been dying for and a couple of books that I saw come out that I knew she would dig!

I found some great pendants on ETSY for my sis and a cute bag that I am making the bag charm for.

The kids got loads of great stuff, it has taken EVERYTHING I have not to give it to them yet! My husband has been itching too! It's so fun to see their reactions!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Kids and Mail

The mail comes every day and every day I hope for junk mail, just so that there is something to give the kids! These kids LOVE getting mail. No matter if it's the grocery ad or a coupon to Burger King, they are THRILLED!

SO today they get actual Christmas cards in the mail from grandma and it was soo cute cause husband and I are thrilled they have real mail.....well they get them and all toss them aside, all they want is the Mexican grocery store ad!!!! They had REAL mail and wanted to pass! CRAZY KIDS!

We finally open up the cute little cards and they have stickers in them, and well that was cute b/c they played with them for all of 5 seconds before they ended up in the trash! Yup, as soon as my little guy loses interest in something he wants to throw it away! haah, so we always know to keep the garbage cans locked up tight. Oh well at least they liked them for a bit and that's all that matters :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

10 Random Things

About The Weekend

1> Driving in the snow can be really romantic when the kids are asleep
2> My husband is Cute when he plays with the kids and doesn't know he's being watched
3>Looking at Christmas Lights in the neighborhoods is intoxicating! Makes you want to do it bigger and better!
4>Christmas Rush in my store has gone, I only made 1 sale this weekend. Thank goodness for custom orders!
5>We've been talking about making the move to Florida become a reality again.
6>I'm tired of laundry
7> I'm annoyed that Survivor trumped my Sunday night shows
8> MY grandma is in town from Mexico and it's AWESOME!
9>My Green Machine Van needs a new muffler
10>I'm thrilled that Christmas is almost over ;)

We have been debating on what age it would be best to start volunteering on Christmas day, so we don't have to deal with this stress and at the same time help people out who's lives are truly stressful, if you and your family volunteer during the holidays, please drop me a line!

Is Christmas over yet?

Seriously!! please tell me it's January 1st :)

I hate the holidays! When November rolls around, my husband and I just want to hide. Crawl under a tree or even go on vacation. We would be in Disney World this year for the holidays had we not just had a baby.

Christmas and any other holiday is just downright ridiculous in our lives. We have 3 kids and want our children to enjoy their presents at home and we want to enjot that, but NO we have to have family! haha! You know, I have two functions to go to and he has two funtions to go to, so add that up and the total is FOUR in TWO DAYS>?!

So of course there is a lot of:
You only spent 2 hours here, how much are going to spend there?
then there is:
Why are you going there first? were you not there first last year?

and of course:
why on earth do you live so far? all that driving time could have been spent here.

We never see you anymore

I would love to see my grandkids more often

Husband and I have been looking into moving...far away..but the scary thing is, that if we are gone all year round, then we would BE EXPECTED at the holidays...and then it would be even worse....

We only see you this time of year and you have to leave now?!?
OMG are the kids in college now it's been so long!~?

You have got to be kidding me, you are leaving?! you just walked in the door!!

EVERYONE has a freakin score card!

So we thought...problem solved we had a baby and he's a pretty sick little dude, so Doc says to us yesterday we have to keep him away from peeps for a bit in confined spaces like HOUSE PARTIES...we told him we were already staying home, but of course, we had real bonifide proof from the doc that we should stay home..

well NO NO NO NO would think we had just said...

Umm...We have decided to become cult members and will be living in a bomb shelter for the rest of our lives with our children and we never want you to see them again!

It's been HELL! name it! The best are the guilt trips! MY husband laughed and said oh well maybe they feel better thinking we feel bad about it! but we really don' see it's a Christmas that we get to wake up in the morning and open presents at a nice pace and not rush to get everyone showered and out the door otherwise we lose precious hours at one house. It's a Christmas that we get to sit and play with the toys Santa brought. It's a christmas that will be our first as a family of 5 and we get to share it with our Children and we get to go to church together. It's a Christmas where my husband and I won't argue over when we need to leave each location. Don't people get it...It's a Christmas that my husband and I won't be stressed. Our kids get to see us enjoy ourselves for the first time in a long time. Thank you Lord for the blessing of a new baby.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fantastically Retro

I dream of finding the perfect Vintage Mini dress. You know ala Marica Brady?? I want to pair it with jeans though. I have found so many cute ones in size negative 0, but alas nothing in my size!

I am willing myself to find one SOMEWHERE! I have searched ETSY and Ebay to no avail, but the funny thing is that I do find somethings listed as mini that I know are soo not!

One day I will find it!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice Storm

WOW! The streets were like skate parks today! Icy everywhere, at least they were empty except for me! hahaha! I had a custom order and I always feel the need to get them done ASAP! So out we went to the stores to get everything I needed! I didn't have to wait in any lines at all! So that was a bonus and all the workers were nice (maybe b.c they didn't have to deal with a lot of people!). So note to self: If I want empty streets, short lines, friendly people just go shopping when the weather is horrendous!

After that we spent some time getting ice cream at the local ice creamery! It was so nice for all of us to sit together and my husband and I to chat. Sometimes you forget how much you still need to talk when life gets busy.

10 Random Things about my day

1> My Christmas lights went out in my front window
2> I ran out of baby wipes in the middle of the day
3>Taught my son and daughter how to use scissors today (not fun cleaning up little strips of paper!)
4>I spent 1 full hour churning out new stuff
5>I noticed I need a hair cut
6> I noticed I need a pedicure
7> I thought about what to get my husband for Christmas!
8> I remembered that my Grandma is coming in from MExico this week!!
9> Remembered I have to get my daughters passport this month
10> Called to schedule my sons baptism

My days are so lame!! hahah!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

A great Week

It is my goal to make this a great week. Not talking sales per-se, but just the normal every day things. You know kids, creating, husband, life!

I have heard from friends and I truly believe that life is what we decided to make of it. We get back what we give to the world. So I want to go out there and make today a fantastic monday, not just another start of yet another week. Know what I mean?

I know I must sound all sunday morning preachery, but I am trying to turn the monday blahs in the monday yeehaaas! :)

Not much going on today on the outside world, thank goodness, since I am FREEZING and wouldn't want to make it any worse by going outside!

MY studio is a disaster and one of Decembers goals was to clean up the studio EVERY night! and that soo did not happen! haha! It looks like a lego factory exploded in here. I have got to get this cleaned up this morning before the kid wake up, because those silly kids will actually think the legos are for playing with ;)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Slow Sunday

I sit here typing in my pajamas! MY pajamas that I woke up in! Yes folks it's been a lazy day. I sent my husband to the post office for me, sent him for take out for lunch and am thinking about doing it for dinner too! hahaha! I love days like this!

I have gotten absolutely nothing done at all, not even so much as a pair of earrings. I think I just needed a day away from it all to collect my thoughts. But it has also shown in my sales as I have not sold a thing! YIKES!

MY husband has decided to open up his own ETSY shop too! How cool is that?! We finally get to work together, but not really! haha! He is pretty excited and used all day to create a few pieces!! You should check him out: www.Brickmaster3.Etsy.Com . It's his new hobby and he's thrilled with the VIEWS he gets, he loves to just run and check if someone new has looked! He's like a kid in a candy store and I couldn't be happier! He wanted something for us to do together and he found it! Now after the kids are in bed, we're in teh stsudio working on new pieces :) I make lego jewelry he makes lego desk accessories! hahaa! Fun!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Down with COMed

ARGGGG....We went out for paper towels this evening! That's it, nothing else. So I had a total of like $5.00 in my pocket. We all went, just to get out of the house. Well, we get back from the store and notice that all the lights in our neighborhood our out, even the stoplights and the's a ghost town!! The town restaurant has it's lights out and everything. So we realize it's a huge power outage.

Really smart people we are, we pull into our driveway and click the garage door opener...'s not working??? WELL DUH! NO POWER!! We didn't have an keys on us! So we were locked out of our house with 3 kids who were ready to eat dinner (I had tamales waiting for us inside) and NO MONEY!! We call ComEd and find out the power is expected to be restored in a few hours!! AUGHHH!!! So we catch my bank open thank goodness, and I had to do a signature withdrawl, since I didn't have my ID with me!!! It was the day from heck! hahaa! We started to plan in case the power stayed out for the whole night. Husband wanted to go over to my parents house, so we had to buy clothes, and all the little stuff. Thank goodness I always have a change of clothes for the kids in the car and my breast pump! We took the kids to TARGET and hung out there with juice and popcorn, the place was loaded with people from teh meighborhood!! Everyone wanting to go somewhere warm! Moments like this made us realize we need a fireplace in the new house! hahaha!!

After that we hit up the big antique barn that is one of my faves! I got lots of neat-o goodies, that I will have to photograph later and show you all! I love antique stores :) It's a passion!

Since the kids had filled up a bit on popcorn and juice and milk and then gotten tired walking the antique store, we decided to try the house again and if no lights yet, then we would head out to dinner somewhere out of the neighborhood! When we got close we saw everything was back on though, so YAAYY!! We quickly put a spare set of keys in the van and got dinner on the table!!

Have I mentioned how wonderful it is to be married to someone that actually DOES something around the house :) and with the kids!! It's AWESOME! We have church tomorrow and then we're just going to Veg out!!

I will post pics of my awesome finds later!! Husband adn I are going to put the kids to bed and then it's monopoly night!

Friday, December 7, 2007


This week has seriously flown by!!!

Yesterday was a busy day for us! We ran around a lot! WE finished up the kids christmas shopping and then headed off for Dinner at PAnera! It was delicious!! I love their Chicken Noodle Soup!! YUM!

After that a trip to TARGET to get some not so fun stuff like diapers and wipes! haha. How is it that stuff that barely lasts an hour has to cost so much?? And if you buy generic, it like falls apart?? grrr...Potty training these 2 has NOT been a success at all! Let's just say I do ALOT of laundry!!
And our final trip was to Michaels where I finally dove in and decided to try my hand at resin pendant making. I bought the supplies and almost keeled over at the price. For me, I budget how much I can spend on supplies a month and this was a big hit for a hobby that I may not even like. Let me tell you, it's a hobby i'm not very good at! haha! I took my hand at it last night and I have a lot of bubbles in my first pendant!! YIKES! If you have any tips for me I would love that! I figured they would make great gifts for my cousins for Christmas! So pray for me that it works out! hahah! I hate how long it takes to harden and see if you did it right! I'm an instant gratification kind of gal!
This weekend holds an estate sale, one auction and a brand new antique mall find that i'm dying to try out! YAY!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Sick people in my house have us watching movies a lot yesterday and today will the same! hahah! I MISS THE 80s!

Breakfast Club

16 Candles

Dirt Dancing...

ahhh the clothes, the hair....I'm a child of the 80s and PROUD OF IT!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

House of Sickness!

BLAHH!!! My little princess woke up sick today! Which is NOT NOT NOT good for my baby who was in the hospital with RSV, he's still getting over it and now this! grr.. I've tried my best to keep the apart, but I am still their main connection. I just hope upon hope that my little guy does not get this.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Is it Friday yet?

Seriously....Is it? ? ?

I feel like I have been on the longest ever ride of my life! haha it's been a full day from the beginning!

Husband woke up late for work and that should NEVER EVER EVER happen because he works ACROSS THE STREET! so they expect him to ALWAYs be on time! grr.. I hate the invention of SNOOZE BUTTONS! He should have gotten up right away!

Second, i've been going insane with thought because i've been asked to sell some items at wholesale to a boutique in Arizona!!!! Can you believe it?? My stuff in a store! how cool! But the business aspect of it has my brain reeling!

Thirdly My baby woke up covered in an explosive poop. I know I know TMI, but it really killed my senses! I have not been able to eat all day! It was everywhere and anywhere! He had to go straight into the tub, which was an adventure because my other 2 wanted to dive right in with him! They love the water!!!

THEN as if that wasn't enough, my thermostat bit the dust, I've beent rying to fix it on my own, but that is not working! haha! So I had to override it and now it's like 100 degrees in here on minute and then below zero the next!

So, in it friday yet?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Todays Etsy Brag

Today shop I am bragging about is another Quilter! I got this fabulous quilt as another baby shower gift! What fabulous people I tell you!!!! ohh no!! my picture is awful!!!! grrr.. I wonder why it's not working....grrr.. I will tinker around with it! BUT YOU HAVE to check out her store

Seaside Quilts:

She does AMAZING work and uses bright happy prints! PERFECT for tummy time blankets for babies!!! :) It's awesome!!

The Eyes Of the Public...

HAHAHAH! I forgot to mention how my mom made me laugh the other day, she was talking about my blog and was asking me if Iknew other people could read it other than herself! She's too cute when it comes to this internet stuff! She's such a smart woman and works with computers daily, but I think blogging is new to her :) I thought that was funny. Yes, I know everyone can read this and I think that's my purpose for it! I love getting my feelings down on paper, especially the ones that I know I can't tell people to their faces! haha Maybe they will read about here! Like people in the grocery store that should mind their own business about how many kids we have ;) My blog is a medly of my life, my business and my downward spiral into insanity! Sometimes I just want to vent about stuff that drives me nuts about my husband and what better place to do that then here! Then he can log on in the morning at work and see just what I am mad about (Hi honey! Read the post below it's a good one about you!). Today while out at the store, we had a lady stop us and tell us how happy our children looked and it made me feel fabulous! I know my children are happy, but when other people notice it, it becomes an amazing thing that just makes you feel all tingly inside!

Lucky in Love

Have I told you how much I love my husband!?!? Honestly, he's great! We went antiquing this evening and just watching him browse and tell stories about stuff that he found made me smile and remember just how lucky I am to have found someone like him. I love that I can introduce him to new things and he never hesitates to try and then end up liking most of them! Him and my dad were just recently talking about our upcoming trip to the mouse house! It was his idea again to bring my dad! How cool is that!?? HE loves hanging out with him and that makes me loads of happy because my dad is my total BFF after my husband! So about my open house the other day, like I said it went totally well, but I have to come up with some new winter inventory for my shop now, since everything I was going to put up sold! YIKES! My grandma is coming in from Mexico in a couple weeks and she's interested in getting some goodies too, so I told her I may set up a little shop front and let her browse, I know I don't have to get all my funky stuff out since she's not into that! hahaha!! I've been thinking recently with my husband about possibly hosting our own craft fair and opening it up to ETSY sellers only. It would be a great way to branch my business out in a craft market NOT overrun by the old church ladies that don't go near my stuff with a 10ft pole! I need the funky minded ;) BUT my problem is that my husband wants me to contact the Wicked Witch of the West (insert the DUN DUN DUNNNNN music here) hahaha! He knows someone that is in the hotel business and can get me a decent sized banquet room for cheap, but well we both can't stand her and he doesn't want to call and I certainly don't...and this person is sooo not reliable! Believe you me, I worked with her before. Soo it's on hold right now!!

Forgive me I'm a loser!

SO my mommy brain had me forgetting I actually had to post the MYSPACE link! hahaa!!

That should take you to my page :)

MySpace insanity!

So i've started on this MYSPACE thing and let me tell you I am totally clueless! Thank goodness for my cousins helping me out b/c otherwise I would just be out of it completely! hahaha! I just barely got a backround up there! If you need an extra myspace friend check me out:

It's still really cold out here, so I have on slippers! haha I am a HUGE barefoot person, so that's how I know it's too freakin' cold! haha!!

Todays random thoughts are:

1> I need to make a dentist appt, but i'm scared! I know this time I have 2 cavities because I can feel them! I'm such a baby when it comes to the dentist!!

2>I really need to stop biting my nails, I saw my 2 year old starting! YIKES! How can I stop this nasty habit i've had since I was 8???

and finally

3> We're having meat loaf for dinner! YUM!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Shop til you drop Sunday!

Todays open house was not bad :) I had my share of the rude people that didn't call one way or another and then the people that couldn't come due to the weather and the people that came I was happy with! Yay! I would share more, but i'm seriously about to drop!

3 random things about the show

1>I sold lots of snowman stuff
2>I only sold 1 of my signature button bracelets
3> I should have charged for the wine! hahahah!!


Oh boy! The Rockford news actually got something right today! It did snow!!!! It's soo pretty, but too cold and too many people that don't know how to drive in it are on the roads, so i'm pretty bummed about that! My jewelry show is supposed to be today, but I know the weather is an excuse many people will use! Oh well, at least my mom will show :) You know how moms are always there to support you and then buy something whether they need it or not! haha!!

The plow is doing our street right now and it's soo annoying, just as bad as the wind whipping the snow all against our window! I like my early morning peaceful, I feel like I get more work done that way. Now I just want to sit here on the computer and do nothing!

Friday, November 30, 2007


I had to buy wine today for my open house on sunday and I got in the shortest line.... well of course it was a line where the checker was like 13 and he had to call for someone that was 21. After waiting what seemed like an eternity when the shopping cart is RIGHT NEXT to a candy aisle with 2 toddlers, a hungry baby and a husband that wants every candy there is! hahaha, someone finally comes that CANNOT possibly be 21!! She cards me! I felt GREAT, then she said: "Oh, we have to card everyone that looks under 45!!!!" Oh umm geee...was that a compliment???? I'm only 27, but lately I feel like i'm 60! blahh!

Fantastic Friday!

WOOHOOO!!! Is all I can say! I love fridays. The weekend just seems to go by too fast lately though. I'm really hoping to do some good sales this weekend at my open house, but who knows only time will tell! My goal is just to make 100$ it doesn't seem like a lot, but my stuff is not that pricey. So let's hope :) I'm using that money to buy my darling little husbands Christmas gift. Not sure what I want to get him though. I was thinking about a new wedding band, since I found some fabulous ones on ETSY:

I stumbled across these at:
AnneHolmans shop! So beautiful, don't you think!! I am thinking of something new to engrave them with. I really want to do:
To Infinity (in one ring)
And Beyond (in the second ring)
hahaha! Is that nerdy? We're huge Disney Fans, so it seems appropriate, since we were married in Walt Disney World. We're renewing our vows in 09, though, so I don't know if I should wait until then to get new rings. grr.. it's so annoying to not know what to get my own husband!
Any thoughts??? :)